Donations made to online campaigns on Livingtree Give MAY be tax deductible based on the "Non-Profit" status of the entity you are donating to.
As a rule of thumb, donations are tax-deductible if the campaign's beneficiary has 501(c)(3) "Non-Profit" organization status with the IRS. The beneficiary is defined as whomever is the final recipient of your funds raised.
Generally, "any school district program that does not operate for profit and is solely supported by state and local governments" may also be considered eligible for donors to claim as a tax deduction.
For LT Give Users/Campaign Creators:
To confirm your status as a "Non-Profit" organization, please consult with your accountant or tax preparer for best advice.
To help your donors take a tax deduction, we recommend adding tax-pertinent information to the customizable thank-you message sent to donors after donating, so that it is included in their LT Give email receipt.
Learn more about how
For Donors:
If you are unsure as to whether your donation is tax-deductible, we recommend contacting the campaign creator directly.