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Edit a pending campaign
Follett Software avatar
Written by Follett Software
Updated over 5 months ago

If you have created a campaign, you can edit it. You cannot edit campaigns that others have created.

  1. In the header, select Fundraisers > Campaigns.

  2. Under Published, Pending, or Completed, find the campaign you want to edit.

  3. Select the gear icon > Edit.

    Note: This option will not appear unless you created the campaign.

  4. Make any desired changes to the campaign details.

  5. Do any of the following:

    1. To repost your updated campaign, click Publish.

    2. To see how your campaign will appear to donors, click Preview.

    3. To complete the campaign details later, select Save As > Save As Draft.

    4. To save this setup for a future campaign, select Save As > Save As Template.

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