Create custom email templates to
You can utilize the "Promote/Email" (Mass-Email) Tool to send mass-emails, to your contacts (IE - potential donors), directly from your campaign.
Within the Promote/Email Tool, you have the ability to save email templates to recall for later use.
To create an new email template, follow the steps:
Login to your LT Give account.
From Fundraising > Active Campaigns, find the live campaign that you would like to promote.
Click the wheel icon on the top right.
From the pulldown list, select the Promote/Email option.
5. Begin by entering a new subject for your email template. Once the email template is saved, this will be the new template's title.
6. In the "Message" entry box, enter the email message/wording that you would like saved for the template. Notice that your campaign's URL is already populated in the message.
7. Click the "Save As Template" button at the bottom right.
8. Your email template is now saved.
9. Now, when you click on the "Email Templates" pulldown list, your new custom email template should appear!