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How can I use my campaign's customizable "Donate on Behalf of Section" to collect specific information from my donors when they make a donation?
How can I use my campaign's customizable "Donate on Behalf of Section" to collect specific information from my donors when they make a donation?
Eric Letada avatar
Written by Eric Letada
Updated over a week ago

If there is specific information that you need or would like to capture from your donors as they make their donation, you can set up an optional section on your campaign.

The customizable "Donate on Behalf of Section" allows you to:

  • Set a custom title for the section (describing the information you want to capture)

  • Collect "entered" information from donors by setting up 2 custom entry fields. You can set a custom title for each of the entry fields. Your donors would be required to enter the requested information in these fields

  • Collect "selected" information from donors by setting up 2 pulldowns/selection lists, where you can add unlimited selections for your donors to choose from. You can set a custom title for each of the entry fields. Your donors would be required to select one of the options from the list

  • Collect multiple instances/records by giving your donors the option to submit up to 5 records

  • Preview the section with your custom selections

  • See and generate an Excel report of the collected information provided by your donors

To enable and customize the section, follow the steps below.

  1. Login to your LT Give account

  2. On the left, go to the Fundraising tab, then click the "Create a Campaign" link to create a new campaign

  3. Go through the campaign creation steps to add your campaign title, description, images, videos, goal amount, timeframe, etc.

  4. Go to Step 3: "Goals & Timeframe"

5. At the bottom, go to the "Donate on Behalf Of" Section and click the "Click Here to Manage" link at the right

6. On the management popup that appears, turn the slider on at the top to enable the section

7. Enter the title of the section, as well as, the titles for the entry fields 1 and 2. Note: The section title and both entry fields have asterisks (*) and are required fields

8. To add selection list 1 to the section, turn the slider on. Enter the title of the section At the bottom, in the entry field, enter selection options that you would like for your donors to be able to choose from. Click the Add button to add the selections. You can add unlimited selections. To remove a selection, click the "-" at the right of the selection

9. Optionally, to add selection list 2 to the section, turn the slider on. At the bottom, in the entry field, enter selection options that you would like for your donors to be able to choose from. Click the Add button to add the selections. You can add unlimited selections. To remove a selection, click the "-" at the right of the selection

10. Optionally, you can give your donors the option to submit multiple records (in our case example, students), by turning the indicated slider on. Enabling this option will allow your donors to submit multiple instances of who or what they would like to make their donation on behalf of

11. To see a preview of the selections you have made within the section, click the "Preview" button at the bottom. Click the "Close Preview" button to close the popup

12. To save your selections for the section, click the "Save" button

13. With the section set, go through the remaining steps (4 and 5) to finalize your campaign. On step 5, publish it by clicking the "Publish" button at the bottom right

14. Now that your campaign is published, to see the enabled/customized section from a donor's perspective, go to your campaign URL. As donors finalize their donation, they will now be required to enter the information you are requesting in the custom entry fields and selection lists that you set. If you had enabled the "capture multiple records" option (in this case, students), he or she could click the "+" button at the bottom to record additional students for their donation. Additional records (students) can be removed by clicking the "-" icon at the right of the record

15. To see the captured information, go to the "Reporting" tab within your account. Within the "Behalf of" column, you will see the captured records. Note: Only the information captured in the entry fields are displayed. If you hover over the records, you can see information captured from the selection lists

16. To see each of the captured records in an Excel (.xlsx) report, click the "Export Excel" button at the top left

17. On the downloaded Excel report, you can now see the full record for each instance (student) that was captured from within the section

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