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(New UI) | How to create a campaign?

New user Express version interface for campaign creation. Short & Simple.

Jalaj Mani avatar
Written by Jalaj Mani
Updated over a week ago

Follow the below steps to create campaigns without any hassle. Please make sure you have the payment collection method connected before you start creating a campaign.

  1. Login to your account and click on " + Create a Campaign".

  2. On the next screen, you will be asked to fill out all the details pertaining to the campaign including the campaign name, the goal amount, the campaign category, the accounting code, the campaign description and a few other details.

  3. At the left lower end of the campaign creation page, you can also see the option to add additional details.

    Once you slide it to the right, you can see all the additional options to manage. These additional options will include managing donation amounts where you can pre-set up donation amounts for the donors to choose from. It also includes "donate on behalf of", a custom message to the donors and other functions.

  4. In the end, you can save the draft for later, save the draft as a template, or just submit the campaign to the bookkeeper. You can also preview the campaign before actually submitting it further.

That's it. In case of any questions or queries, please write to

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